Tuesday 13 August 2013

August Catch Up: Advise for buying a PS Vita!

Hey guys!

Well July went fast! Which is a shame because it is my favourite month of the year, it includes both mine and my boyfriend's birthdays :]! I had a lovely birthday, went to an amazing Thai restaurant close to my parents house at the weekend and then went to my favourite Japanese restaurant on the Thursday night of my birthday, so technical I had 2 birthdays :] like the Queen!
But the best thing about my birthday, is that my awesome boyfriend bought me a PS Vita ^_^ yaaay! Now, it turns out, since my last blog, that because I now work in the games industry I can get in to trouble if I post any of my personal opinions about video games, so unfortunately all those reviews I said I was going to do will no longer be posted :( sorry!

I can however give you a little bit of advice if you are thinking of becoming a Vita owner :]!

1. If you are seriously thinking of buying a Vita definitely be prepared to spend more than the console value, trust me it is definitely worth it and will save you tonnes of money in the long run!

2. Although the 3G model is a great idea and if you travel around a lot it is nice to have access to the internet, I find I don't really miss it on the WiFi model. All my downloads and updates I do at home before I take it out and I use my phone to access things like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. You can always upgrade to the 3G at a later date.

3. I would DEFINITELY buy at least 3 months of Playstation Plus and the biggest memory card you can afford! Mine came with an 8gb and I still can't fit all the games on it that I have got free from PS+! There is an amazing variety of games available for free every month, granted they won't all be to your liking, but they definitely give you a taster! If you a dubious then get the 3 months and play what it a available, but I think £40 for a year of free games is 100% worth it!

4. Once you own your Vita, if you are browsing the store and see a game you fancy, always look up how much it would cost to buy a hard copy! If it is the same or a couple of quid more, get the hard copy! It will cost you more to buy an new memory card once you have filled it! Save your memory!

5. Finally, get one soon! There are some crazy deals on them at the minute! The closer we get to the PS4 launch the more money you will have to fork out for the things you want! I have noticed a few interface updates since I have had mine, they are preparing them for optimum PS4 compatibility, they will soon be selling like hot cakes!

I hope that was useful! My next update is going to be one about my new hair :] if you follow me on Instagram then you will know that I now have pink, purple and blue hair! So I will be reviewing some of the products I have used!

Thank you if you have took the time to read this, have a good day <3

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