Friday 14 December 2012

'The Walking Dead' wins GOTY!

I meant to write about this last week after I watched the VGA's, but I was so incredible happy to see Telltale Games pick up the Game of the Year award for The Walking Dead game! Especially being up against Assassin's Creed 3, Red Dead Redemption and World of Warcraft to name a few!
If you have not played this series of games I definitely recommend them to anyone! Being someone that grew up in a world of Point and Click PC games, this has complete revamped the genre! The game changing choices are phenomenal, you really do feel involved in each character and the possibly of making decisions that lead to characters turning against you or even dying, just adds so much intensity!
It creates the same realistic atmosphere as in The Walking Dead TV series, where each event feels so real and each character is so relatable!
Enough said! Congratulations Telltale Games, that award was well deserved :)

Monday 10 December 2012

This Years Christmas List

So, this post is so that you guys can learn a bit more about me and what better way to do that than showing you what I've been asking for this Christmas :]
I don't usually ask for much for Christmas because my friends know me so well! I love to see what they surprise me with every year! But I do have to help my parents out a lot around Christmas, it seems that even after living with me for 23 years, they still have no idea what I am interested in...
So, with out further a do, these are a few things I have had my eye on this year:
Fly London Norton Nule Boots
I wear A LOT of boots, I think 90% of the time I wear over the knee socks and mid-calf boots. Sadly my Rocket Dog ones are slowly falling apart and I am in need of a new pair. I saw these in Schuh and fell in love <3 they are the perfect height and they look great with any outfit!
The only downside to them is that they are leather... I try very hard to not to buy any sort of animal product, but it is difficult with shoes. I also find that synthetic materials don't last as long either, so this time I have made an exception...sorry :(

Sewing Machine
As you may know from watching my You Tube videos, I like to enter cosplay competitions and you can't be a cosplayer without your own sewing machine! Until now I have been sharing one with my Mum but in August this year I moved in with my boyfriend, so sharing it has become a problem. I haven't specified what model I want, I just want one that will allow me to do simple stitching and isn't too expensive!

'The Infernal City' by Grey Keyes
I am a massive Elder Scrolls geek XD I am soooo addicted to Skyrim and my plan over the Christmas is to replay Oblivion as magic-wielding mage character! But I have always been fascinated with the Elder Scrolls world, I think this book mainly focuses on Tamriel and the wars wagered within it, I'm not big on reading but I think this is definitely a book a won't be able to put down.

Guild Wars 2 on PC
I am very excited to announce that very, very soon, after several years, I will be returning to PC gaming!!! It's been 5 years since I had a PC capable of running games but (thanks to my amazing boyfriend) I will finally have my very own gaming PC ^_^! So I will be back on Steam trying out the Dota 2 beta, playing a bit of Team Fortress 2 for a bit of nostalgia and I will be trying a few new games like League of Legends and hopefully (if I get it for Christmas *fingers crossed*) Guild Wars 2! I've seen the art style, the game play and the character customization for this game, it just looks beautiful and I would love to give it a try <3

Play Arts Kai Tali-Zorah vas Normandy
Oh my gosh I was so excited when I saw Play Arts were releasing this! I love figures, I have a huge collection of them! At the moment a lot of them are in storage until we can get a display cabinet for them, but the Play Arts Kai figures are by far the most beautiful! Although they aren't as expensive as Hot Toys figures they are still a little pricey, so I don't really expect to get this for Christmas. Tali is my favourite character from Mass Effect, but I would be equally as happy with a Fem Shep figure too :]

Blue Winged Platform Trainers
Yes...more shoes... I saw some like these on Tumblr the other day and thought they were so cute! I would really love a pair! The only downside is that, as I mentioned above, I probably spend 90% of my time wearing boots. I would definitely wear these on they days off in the summer though, my birthday is in July so maybe I will ask for them for my birthday :]
I just love cute and quirky fashion, I am also a very colourful person!

I think that is everything :] there isn't a massive amount of things I want but these are the ones that really stuck in my mind. I hope you enjoyed reading this and that you have learnt a little about me! Let me know what you want for Christmas, I'd love to know :]
Bye x

Friday 7 December 2012

Ta daaaa!

Here it is :D my flash design on the left and Bex Lowe's tattooed version on the right (on my lovely friend Di)
I think this is a step in the right direction for my tattoo career :) in such a good mood today!
Hope your all having a good day too x

Today is an exciting day for me ^_^

Hey everyone :)
So today I am super excited because one of my friends Di is getting one of my flash tattoo designs tattooed on her today!!
It will be the first design that I have done that has actually been tattooed on someone :D! Sadly I won't be doing the tattoo because I am not yet experienced enough so do it :( but my one of my best friends Bex will be doing it and she is a amazing tattoo artist <3
I will post up pictures when it's done, I just had to share my excitement with you :)
Hope you all have a lovely day x

Thursday 6 December 2012

Hey :] so if you haven't watched my latest YouTube video, here it is!
It's a basic tutorial on how to dye your eyebrows a bright colour and keep them that way! There is also a few tips on dying your hair thrown in there too :]
Hope you enjoy watching, please subscribe if you do and leave me nice comments <3

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Hello everyone :]
Welcome to my blog! Now, I have never blogged before so if anyone wants to give me any tips on what to write on these things i would love to hear them :]
But until then I will just tell you what I'm up to... what I've put up on certain websites... stuff like that...

So, I'm on YouTube
I will be posting many videos about alternative hair and makeup, cosplay building and maybe some game reviews! So stay tuned and subscribe to make sure you don't miss anything ;)

I'm also on Tumblr
I tend to reblog a lot of kawaii/harajuku/pastel goth fashion stuff mixed with awesome cosplay and cute animals... I don't go reblog crazy though :P I'd say 70% of the things I post are my own pictures/videos.
It's also linked to my Instagram account so my daily photos get posted on there too.

And finally my Instagram
I mainly use that for posting pictures of what I do creepy but it's not :]

If you have took the time to read this, thank you very much <3
Hopefully I will make some new friends here :]